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The Search for Carpathia
Digging for Dinos
Green Skull Cave Exploration - GUE China
Fiona Challenges The Northwest Passage
CorsiCat 2013: around Corsica by catamaran!
Tim Jarvis and the Shackleton Epic Retracing his route to survival
Super Substantial
UCSB Geographer Discusses the California Drought
Deep Time at Tall Hisban
Chemtrails: Fact or Fiction and WHY
READ DESCRIPTION and Check Links!!! (Subscribe if you'd like and please ra...
80 Foot Waves
See the daring guy overcomes 80 foot wave !!!.
Deep Sea Drilling Vessel CHIKYU Expedition 314-02
Shingu Port, Japan— Sept. 21, 2007—Today, the Nankai Trough S...
Neil Holbrook - El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Flying with the 109th - Part 3 Raven Greenland
This is Part 3. The trip to Raven was rocky and snowy. Camp Raven is just a...
Skiing to the South Pole
Skiing to the South Pole
STS-117 June, 8 2007 Space Shuttle Atlantis Full Launch
GVI - Global Vision International : Volunteer Abroad in Costa Rica
http://www.gviusa.com http://www.gvi.co.uk Volunteer in Costa Rica: Volunte...
Expedition Quest Mobile App
Our Mobile App enables EQ members to search for other local members by combining the ExpeSearch Index System with GPS geo-location. Want to meet or get advice from someone who has climbed, or is hoping to climb Kilimanjaro? Want to organize a local group of kayakers with Class 3 experience to go down the Snake River? Perform a search within a 20 mile radius, check out their qualifications and experiences and send them a message. Get together, share a cup of coffee or a couple of beers and make it happen.
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