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Feb 07, 2025 |
New species of frog found in the Peruvian Andes
Researchers describe a new species, "Psychrophrynella chirihampatu," from the Peruvian Andes, in a new article. Like other recently described species in the genus, this new Psychrophrynella inhabits high-elevation forests in the t
ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Migratory birds disperse seeds long distances
Some species of plants are capable of colonizing new habitats thanks to birds that transport their seeds in their plumage or digestive tract. Until recently it was known that birds could do this over short distances, but a new stu
ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Fossil reptile discovery extraordinary
A newly discovered 250-million-year-old fossil reptile from Brazil gives an insight into life just before the dinosaurs appeared.
BBC News | World | UK Edition
Magnetoreception molecule found in the eyes of dogs, primates
The magnetic sense in migratory birds has been studied in considerable detail: unlike a boy scout's compass, which shows the compass direction, a bird's compass recognizes the inclination of the magnetic field lines relative to Ea
ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
The ugliest fossil reptiles who roamed China
Long before the dinosaurs, hefty herbivores called pareiasaurs ruled Earth. Now, for the first time, a detailed investigation of all Chinese specimens of these creatures -- often described as the 'ugliest fossil reptiles' -- has b
ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
New plant species discovered on Yakushima
A new species of plant has been discovered on the subtropical Japanese island of Yakushima (located off the southern coast of Kyushu in Kagoshima prefecture) and named it Sciaphila yakushimensis.
ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Neanderthal-Human Sex Happened Earlier
A Neanderthal woman from Siberia with human DNA may suggest we should no longer consider Neanderthals separate from the human race.
Discovery News - Top Stories
Antarctic Fungus Survives in Mars-like Conditions
After living for 18 months in a Mars-like environment outside the International Space Station, some Antarctic fungi were still living and dividing when examined by researchers back on Earth.
Discovery News - Top Stories
Do bigger brains make smarter carnivores?
A bat-eared fox tries to open a puzzle box during an experiment to test intelligence. Why do dolphins evolve large brains relative to the size of their bodies, while blue whales and hippos have brains that are relatively small?<
NSF News
An ancestor of the rabbit connects Europe and Asia
The species Amphilagus tomidai was recently discovered - an ancestor of the rabbit which lived in present-day Siberia during the Miocene, about 14 million years ago. The discovery of this mammal, belonging to a family which was th
ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Primitive form of navigation found in fruit bats
Old World fruit bats can’t use sound to navigate, an ability known as echolocation that’s found in all other bats. At least that’s what scientists thought. But a new study reveals that these bats can indeed echolocate; inste
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