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Mar 07, 2025 |
Is fracking greener than solar power and wind turbines?
Is fracking greener than solar power and wind turbines? An easy one today... I don’t know. From this study it would be improper to draw a conclusion about which energy source causes less environmental damage.
In the end, it
Nearly 600 Years of Tree Rings Show Altered Ocean Habitat
Ocean currents that deliver important nutrients to shallow, coastal waters have become weaker and more variable over the last half-century, which could affect fish and other marine animals that nourish themselves in these nutrient
High air pollution levels hit south-east England
Air pollution is expected to be high on Thursday over the south-east of England, leading to warnings to people with respiratory difficulties.
The pollution is likely to be localised, with clear skies over Scotland as people cas
Global Warming Changes the Way Sharks Swim
Sharks exposed to ocean water acidified by too much carbon dioxide alter their behavior, swimming in longer spurts than sharks in typical ocean water, particularly during their nighttime wanderings.
The new findings, published
770-Pound Colossal Squid a 'Perfect' Specimen
Scientists said Tuesday a female colossal squid weighing an estimated 350 kilograms (770 lbs) and thought to be only the second intact specimen ever found was carrying eggs when discovered in the Antarctic.
The squid had been k
Wild Chinese Sturgeon on the Brink of Extinction
The wild Chinese sturgeon is at risk of extinction, state media reported, after none of the rare fish were detected reproducing naturally in the polluted and crowded Yangtze river last year.
One of the world's oldest living spe
Dino-Killing Meteorite Gave Way to Leafy Forests
The meteorite that killed off the dinosaurs 66 million years ago had more of an effect on evergreens and led plants that lose their leaves to dominate forests, reports a new study. The event wiped out about half of plant species,
Red card on environment for 'greenest government ever'
The government is failing to reduce air pollution, protect biodiversity and prevent flooding, a cross-party body of MPs has said. The Environmental Audit Committee dished out a "red card" on these three concerns after examining ef
Call for greater protection of endangered lynx in the US
The US federal government will extend protection to all imperilled Canada lynx in the lower 48 states, but wildlife advocates said on Thursday it was ignoring important parts of the rare cats’ range and vowed to challenge the mo
Endangered Pupfish Could Vanish in 30 Years
An inch-long fish that sparked a Supreme Court battle could go extinct in less than 30 years, a new modeling study concludes.
Fish don't ever seem to dress down -- they're as colorful as possible. That makes us wonder why.
Amazon deforestation jumps 29%
The destruction of the world’s largest rainforest accelerated last year with a 29% spike in deforestation, according to final figures released by the Brazilian government on Wednesday that confirmed a reversal in gains seen sinc
Audubon Report Names Birds at Climate Risk
The National Audubon Society has released the Audubon Birds and Climate Report, a study that predicts how climate change could affect the ranges of 588 North American bird species, mapping where each bird's ideal climatic range wi
Red tide still lingers off coast of Hernando County
large bloom of red tide continues to linger about 20 miles off the coast of Hernando County. Satellite images from the Optical Oceanography Laboratory at the University of South Florida showed a patchy bloom at least 20 miles offs
Will Iconic Sequoias Fall to Climate Change?
California's iconic trees, the giant sequoias, may sail through the state's current extreme drought. The huge trees survived even drier conditions during their long lives, studies show. The oldest sequoias live for more than 3,000
Norway whale catch reaches highest number since 1993
hermen in Norway have caught 729 whales this year, the highest number since it resumed the controversial practice in defiance of international pressure, industry sources said on Monday.
"The season is more or less finished and
More than 100,000 Elephants Killed in 3 Years
The insatiable demand for ivory is causing a dramatic decline in the number of African elephants. Poachers are hunting the animal faster than it can reproduce, with deaths affecting more than half of elephant families in the Sambu
Epic Drought in West is Literally Moving Mountains
Climate change is driving the Greenland Ice Sheet to melt, which is contributing to sea level rise. But imagine that the same amount of water melting from Greenland each year is being lost in California and the rest of the West be
Hot and Cold: Crocodile Evolution Based on Ocean Temps
Ancient crocodiles colonized the seas during warm phases and became extinct during cold phases, according to a new study, demonstrating a link between crocodile evolution and ocean temperature.
For more than 140 million years,
Report: 46% of Forest Service budget to fight fires
The rising cost of fighting wildfires is forcing the U.S. Forest Service to transfer money from other critical programs year after year, hampering efforts to protect people, property and endangered species, Agriculture Secretary T
Taking Up Arms Where Birds Feast on Buffet of Salmon
The salmon here in the Columbia River, nearly driven to extinction by hydroelectric dams a quarter century ago, have been increasing in number — a fact not lost on the birds that like to eat them. These now flock by the thousand
Norway's sneaky seismic attack on the Arctic
The Esperanza has been in the Arctic near Svalbard, for a few weeks now and we recently became aware of something urgent and disturbing. A seismic company called Dolphin Geophysical, commissioned by the Norwegian Petroleum Directo
Tony Abbott adviser warns of threat of 'global cooling'
The Abbott government’s chief business adviser, Maurice Newman, has warned that Australia is ill prepared for global cooling owing to widespread “warming propaganda” in his latest critique of mainstream climate science.
Save one dying lake, save the Middle East?
Lake Urmia in Iran used to be a site to reckon with. Twenty years ago, it ranked as the sixth largest saltwater lake in the world, and the largest in the Middle East. Tourists would revel in the lake's buoyancy (like the Dead Sea,
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