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Tiny Sea Monkeys Create Giant Ocean Currents
30th September, 2014
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Every evening, sunset signals the start of dinner for billions of wiggling sea monkeys living in the ocean. As these sea monkeys — which are not actually monkeys but a type of shrimp — swarm to the surface in one large, culminating force, they may contribute as much power to ocean currents as the wind and tides do, a new study reports.
Even though they're small, sea monkeys — given the playful name because their tail resembles a monkey's tail, but also known as brine shrimp (Artemia salina) — may contribute about a trillion watts, or a terawatt, of power to the surrounding ocean, churning the seas with the same power as the tides, the researchers said. A terawatt can light roughly 10 billion 100-watt light bulbs.
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