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Prehistoric Bone-Devouring Worms Fed on Carcasses of Plesiosaurs
16th April, 2015
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Osedax worms, also known as bone worms, zombie worms, or bone-eating worms, were first discovered on a whale carcass in 2002.

There are more than 10 species that can be found in oceans across the globe at depths of up to 4 km. They belong to the worm family Siboglinidae (beard worms). Like all species in the family, they have no mouth, anus, or gut.

Typically, bone-eating worms grow up to 3-4 cm long. They consume whale bones, prompting many marine biologists to believe that they co-evolved 45 million years ago, branching out from their cousins that used chemosynthesis to obtain food.

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